Hair Stories

2023, participatory drawing book and video: 45 min, language: English, voice over: Marlene Lahmer, Sound: Oscar Cueto

Hair Stories is based on an investigation of the mechanisms by which hair shapes identity and self-recognition. The form and meaning of hair are examined in their relationship to the body, to sexuality, to power and to the media, confirming that man is a being who needs symbols to give meaning and order to his life. Hair Stories is an artistic exploration of hair as a symbol of power, but also of resistance and freedom. The contradictory nature of the multifaceted meaning of hair is shown in the positions and discussed in the exhibition. To what extent is the subject of hair linked to power, health, gender, class, religion, representation, resistance and identity in the history of mankind? And how can patterns and symbols acquire new content? The artistic interpretations range from research to a call to action, whereby symbols are discussed and interpreted anew. The motivation is to live in a society in which symbolic images raise their voices, genital hair is combed and art actively motivates social growth.


Fotos, unten: Sarah Tasha Hauber