Free comes with a high price


The transparent series Cheap has a high price inscribes itself in an economy of attention with intensive colors and large headings. The banners intend to be quickly consumed in passing. Superficial phrases that reveal little about the content addressed are used. This common method used by tabloid publishers to trigger emotions with images and text is used here and intended to use media-critical headlines and texts to criticize outrage on the part of the population at the broad approval and acceptance of the reporting in those daily newspapers.

photo on the top: Friends through thick and thick (Freunde durch dick und dick), 2021, 134,17 x 220 cm and One hand washes the other (Eine Hand wäscht die andere), 2021, 130 x 209,50 cm

Austria: Free tastes me (Österreich schmeckt mir), 2021, 130,40 x 220 cm

We get the media we support (Wir bekommen die Medien, die wir fördern), 2020, 130 x 185 cm, photo: Liliane Kölbl

Your fear is our motivation (Ihre Angst ist unsere Motivation), 2021, 145 x 220 cm

Stereotypes are our specialty (Stereotype sind unser Fachgeschäft), 2021, 120 x 225 cm