Chroniken meiner Zeit – Antiarchiv zu den Boulevardzeitungen Heute und Österreich/oe24
2021, 96 books, metal shelving system, MDF table and bench, headphones + player and dictating machine
Over the years, a collection of the tabloids Heute and Österreich/oe24 grew up. The free newspapers are arranged chronologically and bounded per month. Missing newspapers are replaced by blank sheets of paper, providing space for thoughts, research and narratives in the form of handwritten texts and illustrations. The daily exploration is a constant attempt to understand both myself and my surroundings. As the documentation of these two questionable newspapers becomes my diary, voids fill in, I recognize my own fears, struggles, desires, principles, and prejudices. When media reflects our society, I don’t like this reflection and it remains my daily motivation to be part of a change.
CHRONIKEN MEINER ZEIT-opening hours: The Access to the chronicles invited visitors to go threw the books and to express themselves acoustically, to become part of the anti-archive with their voice and to contribute their own thoughts in an open narrative. Outside of these hours during the exhibition time, two view books are available to the visitors and headphones to listen to the previous visitors’ comments.