austrian/spanish artist, was born 1985, works transdisciplinary and lives in Vienna and Burgenland.

artist statement
I use the field of tension between inclusion and exclusion on a linguistic level in order to question social and own categories through multimedia objects, works on paper and installations. As an archaeologist of my biography, I deal with my heritage, the effect of past events in the present, taking up the relationship between country and city, with three areas of interest: work, faith and language. My focus is on sensitive, individual and collective memory, often using participatory action and the method of oral history. Furthermore, my works predominantly moves in the field of gender/sex diversity, identity and sexuality, which has parallels a futher focus of my work: social marginalization through the media, where by image and language are exploited to exclusion.

2021 Academy of finde Arts Vienna, Contexual Painting of Ashley Hans Scheirl, Ruby Jana Sirca and Tomash Schoiswohl
2016 Academy of finde Arts Vienna, Arts & Communication, Fashion & Styles
2008 School of Art and Design, Textile Design module

solo and duo exhibitions (selection)
2024 Liminal Spaces: Tracing Dreams, Fears, and Futures, EINDORF, Vienna
CULTIVA memento Prunus mahaleb, 70er Haus der Geschichten, Mattersburg
digging the shades [nach Schattierungen graben], offen.
open-air studio, Walbersdorf
Investigation: 2×20, Showroom of Red Carpet Art Award, Wiener Linien at Karlsplatz, Vienna
2023 memento Prunus mahaleb, offen., Freiluftatelier, Walbersdorf
2022 Gratis kommt uns teuer, 12-14 contemporary, Vienna
Gratis kommt uns teuer, Grillagen/Praterstern, philomena+, Vienna
Corona-Chronicles-Déjà-vu, cooperative with Jelena Micić, hosted by Kaeshmaesh, Roter Stern, Vienna

2020 Newspaper Rolls, Hole Newspapers & Artist Talk, Verband Freier Radios, Vienna
Tabacco Shop Mind the Gap, philomena+, cooperative with Sanae Arraquas, Vienna
We don´t talk about Susi., INSEL, Upperaustria

Stuhldialoge, kaeshmaesh, Vienna
2014 Sonntagszimmer, Raum im Raum, Vienna
Ins Blaue, Schikaneder, Vienna

2013 Think big, Galerie SIX, Linz

collective CRAFT with Oscar Cueto
2025 (upcoming) Menschen, Ziegel und Unkraut [people, bricks and weeds], 70er Haus der Geschichten, Mattersburg
(ongoing) Day Laborer, In the cubature of the cabinet, FLUCC, Vienna
My choice of work, my resistance, Antimonument Extended, a project by Shinpei Takeda, Düsseldorf
2019 MOHNMANIE, Notgalerie Kunstraum Nord by Reinhold Zisser, Vienna

group exhibitions (selection)
2024 10 Minuten, project by Pablo Chiereghin & Miriam Laussegger, Studio Glockengasse, Wien
deep time, inBEtween, project by Constance Hatice Steininger, collaboration with Wien Woche, Karlsgarten, Vienna
MUME: Multiple Selves, Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz

2023 GROWING, VBKÖ, Vienna
Philomena @ Belvedere 21 – On the New, Viennese Scenes and Beyond, Belvedere 21, Vienna
Meetingpoint, Kunstraum 5020, Salzburg
Things, Studio Glockengasse, Vienna
Dos por Uno, Horror-Error, Mexiko City

2022 Speed Dating – Meet Local Single Artists* Books, VBKÖ, Vienna
open studio days, Ateliers, Atelierhaus Salzamt, Upperaustria/department cultur, Linz
40 Jahre KUGA – 40 Künstler*innen – 40 Arbeiten, KUGA, Großwarasdorf
Dark Materials, der goldene shit, Vienna
Festival der Platane, presented by MUME, a project by Oscar Cueto, public space, Vienna
bam pew pew, der goldene shit, Vienna

2021 House of Loosing Control, Vienna Art Week, Vienna
La Gota Gorda, Error, Puebla
Act Public! THIS IS TOMORROW., Fluc, Vienna

2020 FIT’RI:NAةنيرتف, philomena+, Vienna
2019 publish shit, University library, Academy of Fine Arts of Vienna, Vienna
Free The Nipple, Studio Lassie, Vienna
Tansformazione, Galleria Fare Arte, Ravenna
Sapperlot, Bauernmarkt 24, Vienna
The future is female, the future is diverse, The Loft, Vienna
FOTO Vienna, cooperation with Oscar Cueto, das weisse haus, Vienna
Fake Covers for Fake Music, Hilbert Raum, Berlin

DeAktionZember II / Aadventmarkt Renegades, Gallery aa colletions, Vienna
Das Jubjub, Galerie 5020, Salzburg
Lotus Charity, ega Frauenzentrum Vienna
Sobreviviré, 12-14 contemporary, Vienna
praktisch scheiße, Kulturtankstelle, Linz

2017 freeze the frame vol. 3, mo.eë, Vienna
cumshot vol. 2, Stubenbastei 12, Vienna
Freischuss vol. 1, Au, Vienna

2016 Lari Fari Haute Volee, Gallery Die Schöne, Vienna
2015 Small, Kunstraum SUPER, Vienna
Schlawiener, Loft 8 Gallery, Vienna
2014 UBIK Bueller´s Day Off, WUK-Exhibition, Vienna
Eine von Fünf (One in Five), The Austrian Museum of Folk Life & Folk Art, Vienna

Lectures and discussions (selection)
2024 Menschen, Ziegel und Unkraut, CRAFT, 70er Haus der Geschichten, Mattersburg
CULTIVA memento prunus mahaleb, 70er Haus der Geschichten, Mattersburg
Bewährungsprobe#40, project by Johannes Franz-Figeac, Vienna
2021 Coffe House Cairo, project by Oscar Cueto, Vienna
2020 Über Susi sprechen wir nicht, Retz
2017 Gender/Sex and Identity in Arts and Fashion, KunstModeDesign Herbststrasse, Vienna
2014 One of Fife, Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art, Vienna

art residency
2022 Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz, Austria
2021 Error, Puebla, México